The SEIU Health and Welfare Fund provides medical, prescription drug, dental and vision benefits to approximately 6,500 SEIU participants (and eligible dependents) from more than 125 participating employers. It's always been our goal to offer participants and their families comprehensive, high quality health care coverage while keeping costs down.
The Fund administers multiple benefit plan options which are all compliant with the Affordable Care Act. The benefit plan that each participant is entitled to is determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the participant's local SEIU Union and the participant's employer. In some situations where no CBA exists, benefits are determined by a Participation Agreement between the Fund and the employer.
There is not one general health plan for all SEIU members, rather, your coverage depends on the plan your Union and employer have negotiated. For your specific coverage (like deductibles, co-pay amounts and network information), you'll need to search by your employer here.
Benefit Plan Options
Don't know or cannot remember what plan you signed up for.... or what your benefits are? Click the image to the left or use the "What are My Benefits" link on the Right navigation bar to access the tool. Search for your Employer's name and you will be provided with your Benefit Booklet along with associated Forms for each Provider under your plan.
Contact us at 800-251-1777 for all Health Plan related questions.
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